A climate change atlas for Africa of tree species prioritized for forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia

Our Climate Change Atlas for African trees shows how alterations in environmental conditions caused by human-caused climate change are likely to affect the locations where tree species can grow in Africa. This is important for planning tree-based forest landscape restoration and other tree planting activities into the future, to ensure that the right species are chosen for particular locations.

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Showing 1 to 19 of 19 species
No Species Name Baseline (km2) SSP 1-2.6 (km2) SSP 3-7.0 (km2)
95 Saba comorensis 2,469,811.35 1,853,013.52 1,495,725.62
96 Salvadora persica 2,320,642.53 2,071,612.63 2,075,607.08
97 Sarcocephalus latifolius 2,695,175.25 2,021,402.91 1,704,553.39
98 Schefflera abyssinica 328,253.02 254,226.97 214,475.82
99 Schinus molle 620,835.23 456,311.42 413,424.85
100 Sclerocarya birrea 3,009,147.06 2,650,720.97 2,518,818.44
101 Searsia natalensis 2,101,313.25 1,392,965.36 1,164,358.66
102 Securidaca longipedunculata 5,012,660.88 3,308,171.92 2,742,958.24
103 Senna didymobotrya 1,783,948.31 1,174,602.47 992,962.69
104 Sesbania bispinosa 1,590,668.81 1,452,860.53 1,348,446.65
105 Sesbania sesban 3,120,969.99 2,710,637.61 2,589,601.69
106 Shirakiopsis elliptica 2,127,191.23 1,673,607.19 1,501,738.76
107 Spathodea campanulata 2,511,710.05 1,562,815.09 1,166,720.96
108 Steganotaenia araliacea 2,807,878.67 2,076,745.28 1,783,883.88
109 Stereospermum kunthianum 2,924,340.31 2,134,535.85 1,883,444.30
110 Strychnos henningsii 464,257.36 394,698.21 356,063.79
111 Strychnos innocua 2,547,509.71 1,340,200.05 1,081,914.21
112 Strychnos spinosa 3,318,952.62 2,319,160.72 1,961,593.65
113 Syzygium guineense 3,992,639.06 3,009,984.60 2,649,153.25


Kindt R, Abiyu A, Borchardt P, Dawson I, Demissew S, Graudal L, Jamnadass R, Lillesø J-PB, Moestrup S, Pedercini F, Wieringa J, Wubalem T. 2021. A climate change atlas for Africa of tree species prioritized for forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia. https://atlas.worldagroforestry.org/. Accessed on X-Y-ZZZZ.